Markham Property Sales
Search Property Listings BelowMarkham Property Sales With Stephanie Rebello
Listing Instructions
Stephanie Rebello is utilizing TREB’s (Toronto Real Estate Board) live listing stream. This system is updated daily offering new properties. This list is provided by TREB (Toronto Real Estate Board) and its search criteria is updated live. Stephanie Rebello is a salesperson from Century21 Leading Edge Realty Inc. Brokerage* and does not have any control or affiliation with the data being shown and updated. If you have found a property and would like more information you can contact Stephanie Rebello to help you with any further questions or needed clarification.
The instructions below can help you find results fast !
- Determine Location : Markham or Determine Specific Area: Angus Glen
- Determine how many Bedrooms
- Click Search !
- The map may ask you to ZOOM in because of several results within your search.
- After ZOOMING into the map start looking at properties
- Click on a property that you like!
- View details
- Take MLS NUMBER and contact me through my direct phone line or my e-mail available in the listing details (at the top)
- You are all done !
- I will contact you as soon as I get your request and contact you with more information and details.
Our response time may vary. I aim to call back within 1 hour. If you are having trouble with this form or require a faster response please feel free to contact me directly at +1 (647) 867 6871. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly as I understand the urgency of your situation.
Begin Your Search
Stephanie Rebello
Sales Representative
© 2016
Social Media
Cell: +1 (647) 867-6871
Office: +1 (905) 471-2121
165 Main Street North Markham, Ontario, Canada L3P1Y2
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